The Rarest Fabric in the World

Follow the fascinating trajectory of sea silk transformation through history and modern art pieces

Documenting a unique heritage

The history and analysis of the sea silk production process have been comprehensively documented on film for the first time. This significant project sheds light on a remarkable craft that has largely gone unnoticed.

Preserving knowledge for the future

The knowledge of sea silk has faded countless times, taking its history with it. This is evident in the numerous misconceptions that have arisen and continue to spread. By documenting this truth, we hope to ensure that the fascinating reality of sea silk is not forgotten in the future.

A remarkable collection

The raw material for this collection originates from Franciska Brilli and has been shaped by Mihaela Martinac, creating the largest sea silk collection in the world. This collection represents a rich cultural heritage transformed into beautiful objects. It serves as a silent reminder of the priceless loss occurring in our seas.

Master of Sea Silk

Fashion design is the art of pushing materials to and beyond their limits, merging the impossible. For me, textiles represent a playground of unlimited possibilities where I play, dance, and sing using needles and threads.

Our creation

The essence of the project: timeless creations that live with us and outlive us, their uniqueness akin to the most precious heirlooms, like jewelry.

Be with us.

Our sea silk can be seen and felt.

Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria


Film Premiere, Exhibition, Open Panel, and Press Conference